Cooper Metals is a new Australian-based mineral exploration company focussed on the discovery of copper and gold. Cooper Metals has three highly prospective Projects in Queensland and Western Australia. The Company’s modest capital structure makes the Company’s share price strongly leveraged to exploration success.
Company Overview
Cooper Metal’s flag ship Mt Isa East Cu-Au Project covers over 1600 of tenure with numerous historical Cu-Au workings and prospects already identified for immediate follow up exploration. The Mt Isa Inlier is highly prospective for iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) and shear hosted Cu +/- Au deposits. Cooper has new exciting Cu-Au discoveries at the Brumby Ridge and Raven Prospects which are in the process of being assessed in 2024.
Mt Isa East is complimented by Gooroo Cu and Au Project covers prospective greenstone belt ~20 km from Silver Lakes Deflector mine. The 26 km expanse of covered greenstone belt has had almost no exploration and was only added to government geology maps in 2020 after reinterpretation of geophysical data.

A strong copper and gold focus in Qld and WA with two project areas
Mt Isa East Cu-Au Project Qld
A large 1200 sq km tenement package in world class copper and zinc jurisdiction
Gooroo Gold Project WA
An extensive 26km of unexplored greenstone belt with gold and copper occurrences in the area
A strong copper and gold focus in Qld and WA with two project areas
Mt Isa East Cu-Au Project Qld
A large 1200 sq km tenement package in world class copper and zinc jurisdiction
Gooroo Gold Project WA
An extensive 26km of unexplored greenstone belt with gold and copper occurrences in the area

Investor Centre
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