Project Overview
The Project area is located within the Archaean Gullewa Greenstone belt in the Murchison Province of the Archaean Yilgarn Craton. The area is prospective for Archean gold and Volcanic Massive Sulphide deposits. Silver Lakes (ASX: SLR) Deflector Cu-Au deposit is located ~ 26km north of the Gooroo Project.
In 2020, the Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA) released the latest edition of the 1:500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology of Western Australia, 2020 including a re-interpretation of the southern margin of the Gullewa (synform?) co-inciding with the Gooroo project area.
The bedrock geology re-interprets the west-northwest trending greenstone-granite contact to exist some 4-5 km further south onto Cooper tenement. The Gooroo Project potentially has ~26km of unexplored greenstone belt in a known mineralised region. The Project warrants further investigation to firstly confirm the presence of prospective greenstone basement, then systematically test the basement for mineralisation.